As I began thinking about the new year, one area of my life I really wanted to take seriously was my writing. With all of the chaos in my personal life over the last three or four years, writing has been a constant... as in I was constantly telling myself I needed to write more, that serious writers prioritize their craft, that, of course I was tired but when would I not be tired?
Because this year’s focus is to begin again, I have decided that I will not be mean to myself when it comes to writing. What I will do is find ways to keep writing, whether it is through journaling, working on my novels, or here on the blog. The second way is by reading books on the craft of writing.
Natalie Goldberg is a writer and teacher, so I feel a certain kinship with her. With fifteen books on writing, including Writing Down the Bones, I didn’t hesitate to pick up Writing on Empty. It was the perfect place to start this journey. She shared her love of writing, her fear of not being able to write, and the wonder of finding one’s voice again. This book felt like it was written for me, like I was meant to find it exactly when I did.
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